2023 Model Crew Application


Thank you for your interest in participating in Reed Photography's 2023 Model Crew! You will have the opportunity to represent my studio for 2023/2024. Model crew members will participate in either a styled individual session or group session during the spring / early summer of 2023. Members will received digital images to share on social media and be eligible for additional prizes and incentives throughout the year!!

Applications are now open until Sunday, April 16, 2023 and open to any high school students entering 10th, 11th or 12th grade in the fall of 2023.


Model Crew Requirements:

  • Pay $200 participation fee upon acceptance into Model Crew Program
  • Participate in one styled individual or group session and adhere to styling provided by Reed Photography and / or any professional hair and makeup stylist
  • Commit to a senior session with Reed Photography the summer before your senior year (session deposit due upon Model Crew acceptance but can be booked at a later date)
  • Use Reed Photography as your only senior photographer and not participate with any other photographers
  • Notify your parents / guardians of your application to Reed Photography's Model Crew (contract must be signed by both High School participant and their parent / guardian)

Please fill out the form below if you are interested:

Please email questions to: Reedphotographyny@gmail.com

Would you be comfortable doing and sharing a styled sessions if it is out of your style comfort zone?

PARENTS AND STUDENTS: By clicking submit, I understand that if I am chosen as a Reed Photography Model Crew Rep, I will be required to use Reed Photography as my senior photographer and will contractually agree not to use any other photographers for the duration of the Model Crew Program. I understand if I do not complete the Requirements that I will be excluded from the program. I understand that by filling out this application, that it is not guaranteed acceptance into the program.